Growing some peppers update

So I am sitting on my tiny patio while my dog Cody lays in the sun. I keep the house around 70 so I guess he needed to warm up a little.LOL So I’m looking at my one test container and I think to myself growing some pepper plants and some herbs is not that hard. All I have had to do is put them in a big pot and water them. Who knew it was that easy. Well it is! And for you out there who have not started growing anything yet; now is a great time to start.

I have to give a shout out to Jack over at The Survival Podcast  I have been listening to his podcast for a while now and he has really motivated me to do step up and start working on the plan and life I want for myself.

Here are some updated pictures of my plants!


8/2/11  (these peppers are going crazy!)

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